
Future needs clarity. NOW!

“What does the company stand for, for which purpose, for which goal?” Are you authentic in what you do and are your customers and employees aware of your company’s competences and peculiarities? Do you use your “point of excellence” professionally to meet the trends, to differ and to be “unique”? Do different points of view and emotions, unspoken assumptions and evaluations prevent the achievement of your goals?

Locomotion®Management Consulting, your expert for business transformation, is specialized in recovering subliminal aspects of conflicts, make them detectable for involved parties and support the desired transformation. With different approaches we provide the needed framework to achieve clarity and transparency regarding communication and collaboration. Internal, external, national and international, within and across departments and disciplines. The work is oriented to bridge current insights by preserving the proven. Our purpose is to open up effective bases for our customers to achieve sustainable development and growth. 
Entscheiden Sie sich für die Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens JETZT! Create your company’s mindset. JETZT!



Dynamic Facilitation

... Dynamic Facilitation you choose for small and medium size groups as well as for large systems. It will be used to (support people = delete!!) address and solve difficult, impossible-seeming issues, to think, talk, and work together collaboratively and creatively and achieve shifts and breakthroughs.By creating a reflective environment where each person ...

Future Search Conference

... is a principle-based, task-focused planning meeting that helps people transform their capability into action very quickly. Future Search brings 60 to 80 people from all walks of life into the same conversation – those with authority, resources, expertise, information and need. People tell stories about their past, present and desired future. Through dialogue they discover ...

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Appreciative Inquiry

... Appreciative Inquiry is a process model for approaching change at all levels of a system, from one-on-one coaching to team building, to system-wide change. The approach of Appreciative Inquiry is a positive, strengths-based procedure instead of a deficit-based change one. Within the process you will pass through the four steps “Discovery”, “Dream”, “Design” and “Destiny” ...

Structure and System Constellations, Project-Supervision

... Would you like to clarify customer relationships or questions of cooperation? Or gain more confidence for the optimum implementation of specific measures? Would you like to understand loyalties or current strains and their function? Company constellations as well as project constellations are opportunities ...

Systemaufstellung/ Projekt-Supervision/ Workshops starten in



  • companies or business units e.g. sales or marketing
  • particular products and projects, new fields of business
  • collaboration – international, interdisciplinary

Activate your existing knowledge and skills and determine NOW how you want to shape your future. Recognize own strengths and capabilities. Design your action plan for the realization of your vision and your desires.